Famous Freemasons From History!

Famous Freemason From History: Arnold Palmer

March 31, 2023

When you hear the name “Arnold Palmer” what is the first thing you think of? Is it golf? Is it the refreshing mixture of iced tea and lemonade? Is it brotherhood, and the countless years of service Bro. Palmer has given to Freemasonry? Or is it all of the above? Bro. Palmer has lead an incredibly active life, which has brought him down many paths including Freemasonry!

Born on September 10, 1929, Arnold Daniel Palmer was raised in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Growing up he spent much of his time at the local country club learning how to play golf from the head groundskeeper, his father Milfred Palmer. In his youth he attended Latrobe High School, one year behind notable alumni Fred Rogers. Bro. Palmer would go on to attend Wake Forest College on a golf scholarship. However he did not finish due to the tragic death of his friend Bud Worsham. Palmer left Wake Forest and enlisted in the Coast Guard, where he served for three years.

Bro. Palmer’s golf career began in 1954, when he won the U.S. Amateurs Tournament. After his win he decided to play professional for a while, and spent 1955 touring the tournament circuit. During his rookie season Palmer won the Canadian Open, and would continue to dominate the golf scene for the next fifteen years. Palmer has seven major championships under his belt: four Masters wins (1958, 1960, 1962, 1964) one U.S. Open (1960) and two Open Championships (1961, 1962). Bro. Palmer appeared in the Master’s for the last time in 2004 after 50 consecutive appearances, and announced in 2005 that he would not be entering anymore tournaments.

Brother Palmer joined the Masonic family in 1958 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason at  Loyalhanna Lodge No. 275, where he remains active to this day. Bro. Palmer has been the recipient of many awards during his life, and this past September was invested with the Honorary Legion of Honor from Pennsylvania DeMolay.

Brother Arnold Palmer has lead a far more interesting life than what can be packed into one short article. If you want to read more about him, click here! If you want to see what Famous Freemason we highlighted last time, click here.

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