Digital Degree Marathon Next Week

February 16, 2024

The Valley of Portsmouth Dover’s Digital Degree Marathon is almost here! Next Saturday, February 24, 2024, their now-famous Digital Degree Marathon will kick off in the Portsmouth Masonic Building. You can think of this marathon like Saturday morning cartoons back in the day, as we’ll be watching the recorded version of the degrees together. Registration starts at 8:00 a.m. while degrees start at 9:00 a.m., but brothers can leave at any time. Everyone is asked to wear a collared shirt. The degrees for the day are:

  • 4° – Builder
  • 7° – Provost & Judge
  • 12° – Master of Mercy
  • 16° – Prince of Jerusalem
  • 17° – Knight of the East and West
  • 27° – Knight of Jerusalem
  • 30° – Grand Inspector

If you have any questions click the link below to contact the Valley of Portsmouth Dover

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