
Sovereign Prince
James N. Orgettas, Jr. 33°, MSA
Bro. Orgettas was first installed an Officer in Giles F. Yates Council in 2008.
Jim has lived in New England his entire life, grew up in Reading, and attended Salem State College and Southern New Hampshire University.
He was raised in Wyoming Lodge in 1997. 2022 marked his 25th year as a Mason and member of the Valley of Boston; and he has been an active Scout & Scouter for nearly 50 yrs.
Outside of Masonry his hobbies include hiking, golf (where his handicap are his “clubs”), reading, and painting. His favorite travel destination is Ireland where he visited the town of his maternal grandfather.
Family is most important to Bro. Orgettas. He is fortunate to share Masonry with several extended family members. But more importantly, he is most proud of his nephews.

Lester A. Davis, Jr., 32°, High Priest
Bro. Davis was first installed as an Officer in Giles F. Yates Council in 2010.
He moved to Massachusetts as a child and currently lives in Seabrook, NH. He attended Lynn Public Schools and Graduated from Lynn English High School (Go Bulldogs) in 1971.
His career in Freemasonry began when he was raised in 1995 in Mount Carmel Lodge (Now Ascendus Lodge). Shortly after, he joined the Valley, Shriners, and York Rite, and as Master of his lodge and District Deputy for the 9th District.
He has worked in the Construction and Real Estate Management Industry for over 50 years, 35 of it for the same company.
Lester has been happily married to his wife Linda for 42 years. He and his son Matthew share most of the same hobbies which include, classic cars, woodworking, hunting, fishing, kayaking, and camping.

Kenneth G. Sallale, 32º, Senior Warden
Ken has been a very active Freemason for over 25 years before being installed as POJ Junior Warden in 2021.
He attended of Tufts University (computer science) and Harvard’s Kennedy School (Science and Technology Studies & Public Policy). He is a successful entrepreneur and business owner in the technology sector.
Ken worked on technology that brought advancements in human genome, devised predictive models, leveraged science and psychology to better harmonize humans and technology, and adapted low-cost tech to advance health care in African communities. He helped forge a Unix standard that profoundly benefits global commerce and was an early pioneer of open-source software.
He produced a film that influenced the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Ken also sits on the Board of Directors of the UNAGB.
He lives with his wife Phyllis in Dover on Notable Farm, a horse property named after Notable, their beloved Lusitano stallion.

Richard J. McElhinney, 32°, Junior Warden
Donald H. LaLiberte, 32°, Treasurer
Paul W. Rolston, 33°, Treasurer Emeritus
Thomas U. Kenney, 32°, Secretary
Kenneth J. Scott, 33°, Secretary Emeritus
S. Michael Yarosh, 32º, Master of Ceremonies
Kevin M. Wildman, 32º, Master of Entrances
Christopher K. Snow, 32°, Captain of the Guard
Dana Lemieux, 33°, Director
Bruce H. Parker, 32°, Director
Sean P. Quinlan, 32°, Director
Paul W. Kaufman, 32°, Director of Work
Allan M. Zecchini, 33° MSA, Organist

§ = Past Officer of Giles F. Yates Council:
Michael J. Armistead
Ali C. Atabey
Mark F. Aubuchon
§ Kyle W. Austin
Joseph B. Beaton
Joseph G. Beck
§ Geoffrey A. Bemiss
Sergio Bocanegra Garcia
Samir C. Bichara
Alan K. Breed
Philip J. Bushey
Robert V. Collins
Brian S. Cooper
Sergio R. Deassis
Paul R. DeBesse
Peter Demirdjian
Timothy J. Doane
Felipe F. DosSantos
§ Andrew C. Duhaine
Nicholas G. Enzmann
§ Ronald G. Elz, MSA
Jacob N. Ferrry
Evan S. Fisher
David A. Fletcher
David C. Flight
Ralph E. Gibbs
Scott A. Gillis
Eric M. Gitari
Fred B. Goodwin, Jr.
Evan Harris
Edward A. Henry, Jr.
George L. Herbolsheimer
Walter H. Hunt
David I. Kasahara
Steve W. Lane
Ruel V.S. Leefmans
Peter T. Leonard
Lanning L. Levine
Steven H. Lipsky
Fabian Lira
Edward D. Marcey
Ryan J. Matthews
Paul J. McMahon, Jr.
David A. Medina
Michael C. Morris, Jr.
Douglas R. Murphy
Eric L. Norton
Sean F. O’Meara
David Pais
Robert J. Parmenter
Michael C. Perez
Corey J. Phelps
James A. Ragazzo
Carlos O. Ramos Rivera
George L. Rivers
Merrill J. Rosenberg
§ Steven F. Shedd
David P. Sisler
Christopher K. Snow
§ William H. Sohni
§ David T. Stentiford
Evan S. Stentiford
Richard B. Stratton, Sr.
James C. Uzdarwin
William L. Wayne
§ Alan R. Welch
Patrick J. Wheeler
Kevin M. Wildman
Oscar M. Zepeda
Bro. Thomas Rorrie, 32°, term expires 2026
Treasurer, ex officio
Robert Johnston, 33° DSA, Trustee Emeritus
John Lowell, 33°, Trustee Emeritus