Digital Degree Marathon Next Week

The Valley of Portsmouth Dover’s Digital Degree Marathon is almost here! Next Saturday, February 24, 2024, their now-famous Digital Degree Marathon will kick off in the Portsmouth Masonic Building. You […]

From the Archives: Caldwell Jewels

In December of 1867, Edward Holland Caldwell (1844-1872) of Mobile, Alabama, received the fourteenth degree at the newly established Mobile Lodge of Perfection No. 1. The following year he received […]

Valentine’s Day

Don’t forget to bring something special to your loved ones next week, as Wednesday is Valentine’s Day! The holiday is named after the Christian Saint, Valentine. Common tellings of St. […]

John Quincy Adams Elected President

While our politics seems as contentious as ever, with a Presidential election on the horizon, 199 years ago today saw a dramatic close to the 1824 election as John Quincy […]

Save the Date: New England Free Jacks

The Family Life Committee is pleased to announce its next event, a New England Free Jacks rugby game on Sunday, May 5, 2024! Before the game starts, we will enjoy […]

Obscure Holiday: Lame Duck Day

We’ve all had times when were in a position but it’s clear that our time is up. Whether it’s at our jobs after giving a two-week notice or being Worshipful […]

Pictures from the Christmas and Hanukkah Party

Last month the Family Life Committee hosted the Valley’s annual Christmas and Hanukkah Party at the Burlington Mariot. Brothers and their families from across the state came to ring in […]

Famous Freemason: Irving Berlin

Christmas music can often be an earworm that you can’t get out of your head. After two straight months of the music, hopefully a month after Christmas it’s left your […]

Thursday Night at the Rite Season 5

Looking to fill up your passport during these dark and cold winter months? Supreme Council has you covered, as Thursday Night at the Rite returns for season 5! The wildly […]

From the Archives: Anderson’s Constitutions

In honor of the Three Hundreth Anniversary of the printing of the Constitution of Free-Masonry, the team at the Scottish Rite and Museum put together an exhibit in their reading […]