Spring Class Ambassador Program
The Advancement and Membership Committee is pleased to announce the Membership Ambassador Program is returning for the Spring Class, enhanced and better than ever! The class is on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Grand Lodge in Boston.
The best way to promote any aspect of Freemasonry is friend-to-friend, Brother-to-Brother. In recognition of that, the Committee has expanded the Ambassador Program to include new benefits for Ambassadors and Applicants alike.
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Throwback: Treason Against the Crown
About a year ago, Grand Lodge opened its doors to celebrate the 250 Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. During it, Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection performed the public degree Treason Against the Crown. This degree is set in a mock British courtroom and asks the question, “What if the Revolution was lost and George Washington was tried for treason?” The interesting thought experiment never came to happen in real life, but was a real possibility as the Declaration of Independence was a treasonous stroke of the pen that set the colonies against the authority of the crown.
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St. Clair Elected President
If you ask someone on the street who was the first President of the United States, there’s a good chance they’ll respond with “George Washington” which we all know is correct, right? As history buffs and lovers of technicalities well know, millions of us got this question wrong as there were ten Presidents before George Washington, and this Sunday, February 2 is the anniversary of our ninth President, Arthur St. Clair’s election!
The term “President” is used widely throughout our government and worldwide, and its etymology gives a clue into this technicality. President derives from the Latin prae which means “before” + sedere “to sit”, so a president “sits before” something; typically before a legislative body as its presiding officer.
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Important Dates:
February 2: Groundhog Day
February 14: Valentine’s Day
February 17: Presidents’ Day