This is your last chance to register for the Spring Class, all registrations must be in by the end of the day TODAY!
The Spring Class will be held on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Grand Lodge in Boston, and doors will open at 6:30 a.m. sharp. It is a great time to see your Scottish Rite Brothers from around the state, catch up on degrees, and more! Our production and degree teams are hard at work memorizing parts for the show, and as always we’ll have Crest Family Catering supply breakfast, lunch, and drinks throughout the day. Do you know a Blue Lodge Mason who is interested in joining? Click here to access the application, and click here to learn about the Advancement Committee’s Ambassador Program, which gives you and your candidates perks for joining! The degrees for the day are as follows:
- 4° Builder – The first step of a Brother’s journey in Scottish Rite, whereby they seek divine guidance.
- 13° Master of the Ninth Arch – As men search for the lost world, we are reminded that difficulties and dangers should not deter us from pursuing moral perfection.
- 15° Knight of the East – Through Zerubbabel, it’s revealed that loyalty to your convictions, duty, and truth build integrity.
- 18° Knight of the Rose Croix – The message of this degree reveals the new law of love. We should prepare a Temple in our heart, where God is worshiped.
- 19° Brothers of the Trail – Along the Oregon Trail in 1840, we learn that a Mason’s word is as good as gold in any place in the world where a man’s word still counts for something.
- 31° Knight Aspirant – We are reminded of our Masonic Obligation to care for our brethren within and without the Fraternity.
- 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret – The conclusion of admission into Scottish Rite, celebrating the triumph of individual integrity and our obligation to serve humanity.
We hope to see everyone there, to register click the link below!