Meet the...

Meet the Production Manager

March 31, 2023

Ethan W. Gilson, 32º, was born in Newton, Massachusetts. Bro. Gilson attended Newton North High School where he was active in the theater department. After gradating high school in 1994, he attended Emerson College in Boston, MA. In 1998, He graduated from Emerson College with his Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Design/Technology. After graduating college, he was hired by Advanced Lighting & Production Services (ALPS) in Randolph, MA where he works today as a Rigging Specialist. ALPS provides the lighting for large events in Boston such as the ballet and opera. Due to the nature of his job, Bro. Gilson serves on an ANSI accredited standards writing committee for the entertainment industry.

Bro. Gilson, who now resides in Westwood, was raised in June of 1999 in Norumbega & Brookline (Norumbega Fraternity) Lodge in Newtonville, where he served as Worshipful Master from 2004-2005 and again from 2005-2006. Less than six months after being raised, Bro. Gilson joined the Valley of Boston at the One Day Class in November of 1999. Bro. Gilson was sponsored by Paul Whitworth who was heavily involved in the production of degrees. In 2011, Bro. Gilson became the Production Manager for the Valley of Boston.

In addition to being a member of Scottish Rite in the Valley of Boston, Bro. Gilson is a member the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle. Bro. Gilson has also been a lifelong member of South Boston Yacht Club. He has always enjoyed sailing especially since his father has been a member of the club for 40 years. 8 years ago, Bro. Gilson became an official member of the club.

Bro. Gilson has been married to his wife, Amy, for 5 years.

Congratulations to Ethan W. Gilson, 32o, for nearly 15 years of service to the Valley of Boston! 

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