The Rite Times 3/22/2024

March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024

Spring Class Membership Goal Progress

Our new website is constantly evolving, and now one of the first things you’ll see on our home page is how close we are to our Spring Class membership goal! This progress bar is a quick way for you to see how we’re doing and will be updated regularly as we approach the class. Today, we have 32 candidates of our 100-candidate goal.

We won’t reach it without your help! If you know a Blue Lodge mason who is interested in joining, send them the application below.

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Register for the Teddy Bear Classic

Summer may seem like a ways away, but registration for the 30 Annual Teddy Bear Classic is now open! This year’s classic will be held on Monday, July 22, 2024, at the Juniper Hill Golf Course in Northborough, Massachusetts. Everyone will hit their first tee at 8:30 a.m. with a shotgun start.

The classic supports the three Children’s Dyslexia Centers in Massachusetts in their efforts to help children who suffer from the disorder.

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Famous Freemason: Josiah Henson

We all learned about the American Civil War in school, how the abolitionist movement grew throughout the North from practically the start of the country to the Surrender of Fort Sumter, but did you know that one of the pivotal pieces of novels, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, was based in part on Freemason Josiah Henson’s life?

Before delving into Bro. Henson’s life, it’s important to point out that little is known about his Masonic career. His gravestone has a square and compass on it, and Mount Moriah Lodge No.11 in Dresdon, Canada, listed him as Secretary, but he never mentioned Freemasonry in either of his two autobiographies and it’s unclear where he was raised.

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Important Dates:

March 31: Easter

April 1: Abbott Scholarship Due

April 20: Spring Class

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