Where Are They Now?:

Where Are They Now?: Herb Mower

March 31, 2023

Dr. Herbert Mower, 33° MSA, served Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection as the Thrice Potent Master from 2002 to 2005. He began his journey through Scottish Rite in the Valley of Boston in the mid-1990’s, when Bro. C. William Lakso, 33° appointed him to an office in Lodge of Perfection. From there Bro. Mower made his way through the line and served his term as Thrice Portent Master with pride. During his time, he accomplished a great deal such as: building the officers manual, bringing Lodge of Perfection and DeMolay closer together, and performing all eleven degrees at least once during his term.

Since his time as Thrice Potent Master, Bro. Mower has remained busy through several different aspects of his life. Bro. Mower is no stranger in the Masonic community; he actively attends the Valley of Boston and the Valley of Worcester. At times he serves as an organist for Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection, Massachusetts Consistory, and the Valley of Worcester. He is also the treasurer for Somerville Lodge.

Bro. Mower is also incredibly active in DeMolay, in both Massachusetts and Connecticut. He currently serves on the Executive Staff in both states, and is a Deputy Member of the International Supreme Council. He also volunteers his service as an organist for large state events and smaller chapter activities in both states.

In his personal life Brother Mower has returned to active work at his Alma Mater, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). There he serves as an educational advisor, a Ritual Peer for the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and the Chapter Alumni Risk Manager Advisor. When he is not helping mold young minds in DeMolay or at MIT, Bro. Mower works at the Auburn Congregational Church, UCC. Here, he serves as a member of the board of trustees and a part time pumpkin seller, for their annual fundraiser with a local Native American tribe.

When asked what advice he may have for presiding officers who are approaching the end of their term, he had this piece of advice, “for the first few years, keep an arm’s length away. That way, the new presiding officer can be the new presiding officer.”

Bro. Mower has remained a busy and active man since his time as Thrice Potent Master concluded. Now that you know about his life after his term, you may want to know about the early days of Bro. Mower’s life. If you would like to know more about him, click here.

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