Where Are They Now?:

Where Are They Now? Ralph Sewall

March 31, 2023

Ill∴ Ralph Sewall, 33° is a past Commander-in-Chief of Massachusetts Consistory in the Valley of Boston, serving in that capacity from 1994 until 1997. Bro. Sewall has had a long and exciting masonic career, starting in his youth as a member of Needham DeMolay and extending to the present day. Bro. Sewall grew up in Needham, Massachusetts, and was an active member of Needham DeMolay and Troop 2 of the Boy Scouts. He went on to attend Norfolk Agricultural High School, and after his graduation, he served in the U.S. Navy in the Naval Air Reserve.

In 1964, after his time in the Navy, Ralph Sewall became Brother Sewall when he joined Norfolk Lodge in Needham. He was attracted to Freemasonry by his family’s Masonic history, his mother was a Rainbow girl, and his father, both of his grandfathers, and many of his uncles were Masons. Bro. Sewall was assigned his first part in Blue Lodge and from there he worked his way up the line to Master of Norfolk Lodge in 1973. Not long after joining Norfolk Lodge, Bro. Sewall became involved in Scottish Rite. He joined the Valley of Boston in 1965 at the recommendation of the Past Commander-in-Chief John Nichols Hall, MSA, 33°. Bro. Sewall took his first position in Massachusetts Consistory in 1965; he went on to become the Commander-in-Chief in 1994 and served until 1997. During his three year term, Bro. Sewall accomplished much of which he is proud. Two highlights in his memory were; the Valley taking ownership of the Newton Learning Center, and helping plan a massive Degree Day which took place in the fall of 1997 and saw over 800 men join the Valley!

Since his retirement from his position as Commander-in-Chief, Brother Sewall has assumed new responsibilities both within and outside the Fraternity. After his retirement, Bro. Sewall went back to work in the sales and financing field for heavy construction equipment. He fully retired from his career 12 years ago. Since his full retirement, he has kept busy by serving as Treasurer for Marine Lodge in Falmouth, Massachusetts. In 1998 he served the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts as the Deputy Grand Master, and in 2000 he was Elected to be an Active Member of Supreme Council, a position he held for 11 years. He is now an Emeritus member of Supreme Council. Additionally, he recently completed his first term on the Board of Directors for the Cape Cod Community Health Center and was re-elected for another 3-year term.

Illustrious Brother Sewall is still an active member of the Valley of Boston. Although he may no longer take part in degrees, he still regularly attends Consistory events due to the lasting friendships he has built. Additionally. Bro. Sewall still attends most degree days to advise the brethren of Consistory, and to show his support for the Valley as a whole and his son David who is currently the Master of Ceremonies for Consistory. When asked if he had any advice for the current members of the Valley, Bro. Sewall had this to say “keep active, keep making new friends, and keep helping the new folks coming in.”

Life for the Presiding Officers of the Valley does not stop once they return to the ranks of their respective bodies. To read about other Past Presiding Officers, click here!

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